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Macro & Depth of field

Macro Definition:

Macro is all about close up photography. To get macro on your camera, you push a button that is shaped like a flower and that is what makes the image close up and extreme close up. Usually they are of everyday things that we take for granted in the world, for example, fences, lights, money and facial features.

Depth of Field definition:

Depth of Field is how much of a picture is in focus. The focus range or effective focus range which affects the nearest and farthest objects. You have to focus your attention on a certain part. 

Normally when you take a landscape image you want the whole image to be in focus where as with depth of field, you only want a small portion of the image in focus and the rest to be blurred. 

Three things that affect the depth of field are:

- Aperture - the size of the opening in the lens that can be adjusted to control the amount of light that reaches the film. 

- Distance from the object to the camera.

- The focal length, which is the distance between the centre of a lens and it's focus.

Some examples of macro:

Shoot for Macro:



The purpose of this shoot is to get as close to the object as possible to show every detail. Macro is extreme close up, something that we can't see that well with our eyes.

While on the shoot, I wanted to take pictures of things up close and see how close I could get without the camera losing focus. 

Some successful elements of the shoot were that I found it easier to take macro pictures of anything because you can take macro of anything as long as you are close and capture the detail of it.

Some improvements that need to be made would be the quality of some of my images and the amount. Even though I found it easy to take the images, I felt as though some of my images were repetitive and that I didn't have a wide selection. I will improve this by going to a handful of different places to get different pictures.


Some examples of Depth of Field:





The purpose of this shoot is to get a shallow and deep depth of field in order to achieve this shoot. Depth of field is quite hard to achieve when this was my first shoot.

During this shoot, I wanted to get as many good quality pictures just so I knew what I was doing.

Some successful elements of the shoot were that I was able to use depth of field for the first time and be successful.


Some improvements that need to be made would be the amount and even better quality pictures now I know what to take pictures of and how to take the pictures. I will improve them by doing another shoot so that I can get to grips with it.

After reviewing my Depth of Field work, I have decided to take some more images that have a deep and shallow depth of field. I wanted to do a smaller re-shoot so that I could improve my image quality as some of the pictures I'd got needed to be improved. 



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